Sasha Fedorovsky founder of the Mind Heart Method





Hi, I’m Sasha Fedorovsky, your coach & creator of the Mind Heart Method. I've helped hundreds of men just like you transform their relationship with their wife from disconnected, on the brink of divorce to back in love & more connected than when they first met.

If you're in an unhappy marriage, facing the threat of divorce or no longer feel the appreciation, respect & loyalty you deserve, speak to me about how the Mind Heart Method can help you create the relationship dynamic you desire, do this by booking your Introductory Session.

My Discovery

With a background working in male dominated industries, in business development, sales training, stress management and personal growth coaching, I was able to deepen my skills working alongside leading men’s health experts in the medical and mental health space. It became clear to me  that intimate love and connection is strongly correlated to a man’s happiness, success and physical wellbeing.


As a woman, I experienced seven heartbreaking relationships that revealed a pattern sabotaging them despite love and connection. The seventh relationship led me to research what makes a successful heterosexual, monogamous partnership that goes beyond convenience. I found that childhood and subconscious programming influence who we fall in love with, but making the relationship work is up to us. I believe a loving, conscious relationship between a man and a woman is the next step in human evolution.

MY promise

In my program you’ll overcome stress so that you create a safe container for your woman to fully love and nurture the relationship. As the man you’re the natural leader in the dynamic, this means that when you shift your thoughts, emotions and behaviour you have the power to completely transform your relationship for the better. For years women have taken responsibility for love and relationships, unfortunately it’s failing, resulting in lower birth rates, higher divorce rates, and low levels of happiness. The absence of love may lead to opting out of traditional relationships as we know them altogether. The Mind Heart Method gives men the tools, knowledge and power to build a fulfilling, lasting relationship and as a result has transformed the lives of many men, women and families.

Intro. Session

Result guarantee

Apply for an Introductory Session with Sasha to to find out if the Mind Heart Method can help save your marriage too. You'll gain powerful insights about your situation and clarity on how to move forward. If you're a good fit, you'll be invited into the program with a result guarantee.

the Mind Heart Method by Sasha Fedorovsky
the Mind Heart Method by Sasha Fedorovsky

Patrick was dealing with the pressure of running an online business and the inability to ‘switch off’ to be present with his wife and two young children. He was feeling overwhelmed and his mindset was affecting his relationship with his wife. Working with Sasha, Patrick learned the tools to manage stress, work less hours and increase the revenue in his business so he could spend more time with his kids, surf and enjoy time away with his wife. He also discovered that he was harbouring trust and jealousy towards his wife, after confronting his own fears he was able to speak with his wife openly which led to a breakthrough in their dynamic, leading to one that’s much more comfortable, open and passionate. Patrick no longer needs to bury his emotions in work and enjoys catching waves daily and in the evenings a very steamy sex life with his wife.

Patrick, business owner

Joel, a FIFO worker, shared that his lifestyle was slowly killing him. He knew he needed to change or he would lose his wife, 4 boys and potentially his life. Joel was drinking heavily every night and smoking weed every night to disconnect from his mental stress. This made him temperamental and cold with his kids and completely disconnected from his relationship with his wife, in his words, they barely spoke. In the first few sessions it was evident that Joel's unhealthy habits were coping mechanisms from his upbringing with his violent father, after a session of clearing the repressed emotions Joel never touched the drug again, he simply didn’t need it. His smoking and drinking instantly reduced in half and as a result started to feel much more happiness and mental clarity. He was naturally more loving and relaxed with the kids and he and his wife started to communicate and talk more. Joel no longer is a prisoner to his stress and feels like a new man enjoying the love of his wife and kids. His purpose now is to support others to do the same.

JOEL, FIFO worker
handsome man smiling in sunlight
Licensed Image - Arko Webflow Template

Our offices

New York
601 Main St Ne
Open hours 8:00 – 18:00
Los Angeles
6801 Hollywood Blvd
Open hours 8:00 – 18:00
5801 Saratoga Blvd
Open hours 8:00 – 18:00