I am all for a man treating his woman like a QUEEN
However to create a lasting, passionate relationship, you must treat her like a QUEEN from the position of a KING… Not an obedient servant or a ‘yes’ man’.
If you’re a man who doesn’t like conflict or simply feels it’s easier to keep the peace at home by saying yes to all your wife’s requests, you might be creating a monster.
As a man you naturally get pleasure from making a woman happy but when you’re always acquiescing to your wife’s will it’s coming from a place of avoidance …
By shying away from making tough decisions for the benefit of the relationship you’re forcing her to continue to test you.
If your boundaries are weak she will keep pushing.
The danger of falling into the behaviour of ‘wife pleasing’ is the same danger as always saying yes to your children when they want something without taking into consideration if the request will benefit their highest good.
For your wife to stay attracted to you she needs to respect you, which comes from being able to TRUST YOU
For example when you met your wife she probably tested you to see if you were a man she could trust.
She will unconsciously continue to do throughout the relationship because her nervous system is always looking for SAFETY.
This is why it’s OK to have a different OPINION to her, say NO or make decisions that aren’t always going to make her feel comfortable in the short-term.
In these moments she feels your strength and releases her resistance, which builds a strong level of trust and attraction LONG-TERM.
When you truly love your wife and family and your intentions are rooted in their well-being, tough decisions are always from a place of love.
Your relationship will feel most balanced when you’re the LEADER
No matter how strong-willed, successful or demanding your wife is on the surface…
Deep down she wants to be able to lean on you, trust you to make decisions about the future so that she can RELAX.
The way you establish yourself as the leader in your relationship requires you to develop trust in yourself again.
When you don’t trust yourself you are constantly looking to external sources of power.
Your wife does NOT want that RESPONSIBILITY.
She wants to LEAN BACK and FEEL SAFE within your container of STRENGTH.
You might encounter some storms but the shift in your dynamic will start to steer the relationship in a much happier (and sexier) direction.
Do you want to create a passionate, life-long partnership and avoid divorce?
Are you ready to shift the dynamic of your relationship so you feel appreciated, desired and loved by your wife?
I've coached 100’s of men to get these results and I know it’s completely possible for you.
The Mind Heart Method help you transform your relationship in 90-days.
Much Love,